February 17, 2010



The Town of Macedon Zoning Board of Appeals meeting was held on Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 7:30 p.m., at the Town Complex, 32 Main Street, Macedon, NY.  Present were Chairman Warren Jeffries, members Carl Eligh, John Gravino & Ronald Santovito.  Also present were Town Councilwoman Sandy Pagano and Board Clerk Susan Bush.  Code Enforcement Officer Michael Nelson was absent.


Councilwoman Sandy Pagano was introduced to the Board as the new liaison.  A candidate for the open Board seat was introduced and interviewed.


Mr. Jeffries called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  He then explained the purpose for which this Board serves and read the Legal Notice as it appeared in the Times.





Z-01-10 – Lakeland Equipment – 185 Route 31F – Area Variance – Sections 135-190-A, C, E – Number & size of signs – Andrew McNamara, Lakeland Store Manager, was present to explain this variance request.  Lakeland Equipment (formerly Bob James/Ontrac) now has six locations. They are working to update & improve all stores, and as part of the upgrades here, they would like to replace the existing pylon sign with a new John Deere corporate pylon sign.  The Stihl panel on the existing pylon would be moved to the front of the building.  Mr. McNamara stated he felt the new sign would encourage business as well as improve their image.  The new pylon sign will be internally lit.  Existing sign was also internally lit, but has not worked in several years.


·        Wayne County Planning Board – No intermunicipal or countywide

impact provided (1) criteria required to grant variances are met at local level, and (2) size of each proposed sign should be consistent with

other signs found in similar “neighborhoods” or commercial zones.  Application returned to Town to be handled as a local matter.

·        Planning Board – Recommended a reduction to version “C” for the

pylon sign (20 ft. height/64.4 sq. ft.) instead of version “B” as requested

(25 ft. height/95 sq. ft.), eliminating the need for a height variance and

reducing the total square footage variance; no concerns with number of


·        Town Board – No comment

·        SEQR – Not required at Appeals level


There was no one else present to speak for or against the granting of these variances.






Z-01-10 – Lakeland Equipment – 185 Route 31F – Area Variance – Sections 135-190-A, C, E – Number & size of signs – A motion was made by John Gravino, seconded by Carl Eligh, to grant these variances as submitted.  Board members discussed other pylon signs within the Town and a smaller version of the John Deere pylon.  Proposed sign package did not appear to be out of line with others such as WalMart.


The five factors were reviewed.  Board members felt there would be no undesirable change in the neighborhood; variances would be less than other approvals; there would be no adverse physical or environmental effects.


Roll Vote:  Eligh – yes; Gravino – yes; Santovito – yes; Jeffries – yes.  Therefore, these variances are granted.





A motion to approve the 12-16-09 minutes was made by Carl Eligh, seconded by John Gravino.  All in favor; minutes approved.





A motion to adjourn was made by John Gravino, seconded by Carl Eligh.  All in favor; meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board