August 11, 2004


The Town of Macedon Zoning Board of Appeals meeting was held on Wednesday, August 11, 2004, at the Town Complex, 32 Main Street, Macedon, NY. Present were Chairman Warren Jeffries, members Carl Eligh, John Gravino, Charles Packard and Ronald Santovito. Absent were Councilman David Maul and Town Engineer Scott Allen.

Mr. Jeffries called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. He then explained the purpose for which this Board serves and read the Legal Notice as it appeared in the Times.


Z-10-04 – Finn – 581 Lexington Drive – Area Variance – Section 135-61-B-5 (Schedule I) – Side setback – Jim Finn was present to explain his application. This is a garage addition to provide storage space for lawn equipment and a personal workshop. Current side setback on garage is 16.5 ft., which will be maintained along the addition. Due to existing setback, this building is considered pre-existing, non-conforming. Mr. Finn amended his application to include Section 135-162-B for expansion of a non-conforming building. There was no one else present to speak for or against the granting of these variances.

Planning Board – No concerns

Town Board – No input

Wayne County Planning Board – Not required

SEQR – Not required

The public hearing was then closed.


Z-10-04 – Finn –581 Lexington Drive – Area Variance – Sections 135-61-B-5 (Schedule I) – Side setback & 135-162-B – Expansion of non-conforming building – Motion made by John Gravino, seconded by Carl Eligh, to grant the variances as proposed with an 18-month abandonment clause. Mr. Jeffries made the following points: Addition is not visible from the street and continues the outside wall line; Existing side setback of 16.5 ft. was within code when house was built in 1961. The five factors were reviewed.

Roll Vote: Eligh – yes; Gravino – yes; Packard – yes; Santovito – yes; Jeffries – yes. Therefore, these variances are granted.



Motion made by John Gravino, seconded by Carl Eligh, to approve the 7-14-04 minutes. All in favor; minutes approved.



Motion to adjourn made by John Gravino, seconded by Charlie Packard. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board