November 20, 2017



PRESENT:  Vice-Chairman Merton Bartels, Suzanne Airy, Greg Whitney and Mark McEwen. Also present was Town Engineer Scott Allen.  Absent were Chairman Doug Allen, Kevin Rooney and Tom Morrison.


Vice Chairman Bartels called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.




Z-07-17 – Whalen – 798 Green Meadow Drive – In Law Apartment Addition with Setback Encroachment – This application was originally presented to the ZBA for variance approval of a front setback requirement on this lot.  The ZBA referred this back to the Planning Board waiver of the approved setback in the NCD zoning district pursuant to Town Code 135-119-A.


Nathan Rozzi, Architect from Hanlon Architecture was present representing the Whalen’s.  They would like to construct a 850 s.f. attached in-law apartment on their home.  The addition would encroach into the front setback (40’) a total of 11’ leaving a 29 foot setback.  This home sits on a corner lot.


When this application was presented for public hearing at the Zoning Board of Appeals, no neighbors came to voice concern or opposition.


Mr. Rozzi explained how the addition was designed to present a nice curb appeal and soften the appearance of the home so it does not look imposing.  The addition will have matching siding, roofing, window, and general architecture.


A motion to waive the 40 foot front setback requirement and allow 29 foot based on these specific circumstances, with the following conditions was made by Greg Whitney, seconded by Mark McEwen.


·        Architecture to match including roofing, siding and windows

·        850 s.f. maximum

·        1 story addition


All in favor (Allen, Morrison & Rooney absent); motion carried.




A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Greg Whitney, seconded by Mark McEwen.  All in favor (Allen, Morrison & Rooney absent); meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,



Scott Allen

Town Engineer