August 21, 2017



PRESENT:  Chairman Doug Allen, members Suzanne Airy, Tom Morrison, Kevin Rooney and Greg Whitney. Also present were Town Councilman David McEwen, Town Engineer Scott Allen and Board Clerk Brandi Schutt.  Absent were Mark McEwen and Mert Bartels.


Chairman Allen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.





SUP-01-17 – YSG Community Solar Project – North Wilson Road – Special Use Permit referred by the Town Board – Daniel Bennett was present on behalf of the applicant. He described the project as a solar garden with maximum capacity being 2 megawatts, placed behind Goodwill at 531 Pittsford Palmyra Road. The solar array panels will cover 3.3 acres with 18 feet of green space in between the rows. The setbacks for the arrays will be; 1,700 feet from Route 31, 300 feet from the South property line, 100 feet from the West property line, 30 feet from the East property line, and 980 feet from the North property line. The trees will be left where they are which will make it so the array is not seen. The driveway will be gravel and come from North Wilson Road and go up to the power equipment which will consist of standard switches and circuits. There will be a 6 foot chain link fence around the equipment and a 4 foot livestock, animal friendly, wire mesh fence around the perimeter. There will also be “No Trespassing” signage every 40 feet. There will be 33 small inverters that won’t make much noise during the day and no noise at night. The array will produce energy for 300 homes. There will be no major grading and minimal ground disturbance. Dan Bennett addressed a few questions from the board members like why the driveway doesn’t go through the entire project, how they will maintain the grass under the panels, if chemicals would be used, and how long these panels will last. He said the driveway is for maintenance and that just leads up to the equipment that would be needing maintenance. He also explained that the grass would be mowed and trimmed a couple times a month and the panels have a 36 inch clearance to allow the mower to get underneath them and no chemicals would be used. Mr. Bennett described to the board that the panels are made to last 25 years, but there are some out there that have lasted 40+ years. Kevin Rooney made a motion to give the Town Board a positive referral, seconded by Greg Whitney. All in favor (McEwen & Bartels absent); motion carried.


SUP-02-17 – Abundant Solar Project – 644 Route 31 – Special Use Permit referred by the Town Board –Ram Shrivastava was present to address the board on behalf of the applicant. The solar project will take place at 644 Route 31. He described that investors would be paying for the project. Mr. Shrivastava also described how this project would be cost efficient and supply lower long term costs for energy. He also mentioned that the land will be leased by the solar company instead of being bought. The panels will be tilted at a 26 degree angle facing the South. Mr. Shrivastava addressed questions from the board regarding how far off the road the project would be compared to the cell tower, if there is a limit on whose eligible for the energy and how many homes this Array can accommodate. He explained that it would be further off the road than the cell tower and anyone in the RG&E load zone will be eligible. The Array can accommodate 300 homes. Greg Whitney made a motion to give the Town Board a positive referral, second by Suzanne Airy. All in Favor (McEwen & Bartels absent); motion carried.




Cedar Creek: John Barry and Angelo Prestigiacomo were present to address the board on behalf of the land owners. They would like to build 150 patio homes to turn into a 55+ senior community below the existing Camborn Drive Homes. There is a natural buffer between the existing homes and the new homes they would like to build. They also described how they would like to put 144 Apartment units with a common space below the patio homes near the intersection of Victor Road and Canandaigua Road. They plan to build a club house with a pool and a workout facility. There will be separate features between the senior living and the apartments. The applicants representatives addressed questions from the board such as; if there will be garages with the patio homes, if the roads would be private roads, and when they plan on breaking ground. There will be a one car garage for each of the patio homes plus their own driveway. They plan on dedicating the roads back to the town and plan on breaking ground April or May of 2018. Town Engineer Scott Allen mentioned that the ponds and sewage should be dedicated back as well.




Z-05-17 – Macedon Veterinary Care – 1503 Canandaigua Road – Sign variance – The Macedon Veterinary Clinic is moving to 1503 Canandaigua Road and would like a bigger sign added to their business than what the code allows. A motion to give a positive referral to the ZBA was made by Doug Allen, seconded by Tom Morrison.  All in favor (McEwen & Bartels absent); motion carried.





A motion to approve the 08-07-17 minutes was made by Suzanne Airy, seconded by Kevin Rooney.  All in favor (McEwen & Bartels absent); minutes approved.





A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Suzanne Airy, seconded by Kevin Rooney.  All in favor (McEwen & Bartels absent); meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.




Respectfully submitted,



Brandi Schutt

Clerk to the Board