August 10, 2015



PRESENT:  Chairman Doug Allen and members Suzanne Airy, Mert Bartels, Mark McEwen, Tom Morrison and Greg Whitney.  Also present were Town Engineer Scott Allen and Board Clerk Susan Bush.  Absent were Kevin Rooney and Town Councilman David McEwen.


Chairman Allen called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  A motion to waive reading the Legal Notice was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (Rooney absent); motion carried.




PB-05-15 – Lakeview Health Services – Route 31 – Multiple-family residential site plan – A motion to open the public hearing was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (Rooney absent); motion carried.  Present on behalf of the applicant were Peter Vars from BME Associates, Mark Pandolf from PLAN Architectural Studios, and Harry Merryman & Dave Masters from Lakeview Health Services.


A resident and business owner addressed the Board regarding this project.  His property abuts the eastern end of the subject parcel.  He had concerns regarding safety/security for the area businesses, potential flooding from the creek, visual impact of the large building, removal of the property from the tax rolls, and lack of sidewalks for pedestrian traffic.  He felt the Town should not be considering this project. 


Another resident asked if there was sufficient room for access by public transit buses.


Peter Vars, Site Engineer from BME Associates, then explained that the site layout would accommodate public transit vehicles.  A drop-off area has been shown on the plan, and Lakeview is talking with RTS to make this a stop on their route.


There was no one else to speak regarding this application.


A motion to close the public hearing was made by Greg Whitney, seconded by Tom Morrison.  All in favor (Rooney absent); motion carried.


PB-06-15 – Pulcini/Halsey – Walworth Road – One-lot realty subdivision – A motion to open the public hearing was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Tom Morrison.  All in favor (Rooney absent); motion carried.  There was no one present to speak regarding this application.  A motion to close the public hearing was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Mark McEwen.  All in favor (Rooney absent); motion carried.




PB-06-15 – Pulcini/Halsey – Walworth Road – One-lot realty subdivision – Preliminary & final – This action is for the transfer of land between adjoining property owners.  Halsey is purchasing approximately 5.5 acres from Pulcini (150+ acres).  A motion for negative SEQR declaration was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (Rooney absent); motion carried.  A motion to grant preliminary and final one-lot realty subdivision was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Suzanne Airy.  All in favor (Rooney absent); motion carried.


PB-07-15 – Hendy – Spruce Run Road – Residential site plan – Log-in & sketch – Don Lewis of AEY Engineering was present on behalf of the applicant.  This site plan is for the remaining lands of the Spruce Run subdivision.  The owners are proposing one single-family house on 19+ acres off the end of Spruce Run Road, including a pole barn to be constructed in the future.  An existing storm sewer line for drainage has also been shown on the plan.  The foundation of the house has been raised 2 ft. to insure proper drainage.  A motion for sketch plan approval was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Suzanne Airy.  All in favor (Rooney absent); motion carried.


PB-08-15 – Morrison – Leno Road – One-lot realty subdivision & residential site plan – Log-in & sketch - Ken Morrison was present to explain his application.  The Morrisons are subdividing a 2.7 acre lot from their 75+ acre parcel and intend to build a single-family home as their own residence.  A motion to grant sketch plan approval was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Mark McEwen.  All in favor (Rooney absent); motion carried.




PB-05-15 – Lakeview Health Services – Route 31 – Multiple-family residential site plan – Peter Vars of BME Associates addressed the Board regarding comments received at the sketch plan meeting and subsequent changes to the site plan.


Lighting fixtures in the parking lot (16 ft. poles) and pedestrian walkways (3 ft. bollards) will all be LED.  The proposed ground-mounted sign will be 2-1/2 ft. x 4 ft. (10 sq. ft.), 5 ft. in height, lettered on one side (facing Route 31), and has been shown on the site plan.  The Town Engineer will confirm the sign meets Code requirements.


The landscaping plan has been modified to add eleven (11) maple trees along the Route 31 frontage, parking lot and emergency access road.  Foundation plantings have been enhanced along the Route 31 side.


Regarding the emergency access road, Lakeview has used the same crushed stone material at their Seneca Falls complex, and it has held up very well at that location.


Mark Pandolf of PLAN Architectural Studios then reviewed the exterior building materials and presented samples:  Heavy gauge vinyl shakes (dark red & brown) on the residential segments and white hardie board on the community room segment of the building.  A sample of the asphalt roofing material was also presented.


Regarding safety, Town Engineer Scott Allen explained this had been researched in relation to a similar Lakeview facility in Seneca Falls.  The conclusion was that there was no increase in the number of police calls at that facility over the number of calls in any other residential area. 


Regarding public transportation, it was noted that the WATS bus currently services this area, and Lakeview could request an RTS bus stop.


Mark McEwen had concerns about the crushed stone emergency access road and the building’s large northern faηade.  Mr. Pandolf responded that they felt the agricultural flavor of the building fit with the rural character of the area.  The Board also discussed the possibility of planting trees larger than the 2” size noted on the plan.  Mr. Vars responded that the size of the trees would depend on the availability of nursery stock, and that trees larger than 3” caliper have a lower survival rate.  For the next meeting, Board members requested the applicant bring photographs of the Seneca Falls facility showing the building facades, emergency access road and plantings.




Z-06-15 – Vienna – 1565 Walworth Road – Area Variance – Section 135 Schedule I – Side setback for accessory structure (garage) – Town Engineer Scott Allen detailed the history of this property for the Board.  When the current owner purchased it, there were two houses and a shed on the property.  They have torn down the dilapidated “rear” house and shed, renovated the “front” house, installed a new septic system, and would now like to build a detached garage.  A previous request for a greater setback variance was denied by the ZBA.  At that time there were also concerns regarding access to a small cemetery behind this property.  A motion was made by Greg Whitney, seconded by Tom Morrison, for a recommendation that the access to the cemetery be permanently clarified, and if that were accomplished, the Planning Board would support granting the variance.  All in favor (Rooney absent); motion carried.




A motion to approve the 06-22-15 minutes was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Suzanne Airy.  All in favor (Rooney absent); minutes approved.


A motion to approve the 07-13-15 minutes was made by Greg Whitney, seconded by Tom Morrison.  All in favor (Rooney absent); minutes approved.




A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Suzanne Airy, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (Rooney absent); meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board