February 12, 2007




PRESENT:  Vice Chairman Mert Bartels, members Suzanne Airy, Mark McEwen, Tom Morrison and Kevin Rooney.  Also present were Town Engineer Scott Allen, Town Councilman Ken Nawrocki and Board Clerk Susan Bush.  Absent were Doug Allen and Brian Gagne.


Vice Chairman Bartels called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.





PB-03-07 – Lyons National Bank – Route 31 – Commercial site plan – Sketch – Present to speak on behalf of the applicant were:  Tom Kime, Lyons National Bank; engineer Jim Sprague, Fisher Associates; architect Dan Mossien, Mossien Associates.  Mr. Sprague explained the site plan, access onto Route 31 and Wayneport Road, parking (30 spaces per Code), and storm water management.  A separate landscaping plan is still to be drawn up.  Discussions have begun with NYS DOT for the Route 31 access, which may be right in/right out, and with Wayne County Highway Dept. for Wayneport Road.  Access to the Wal-Mart parking lot is also planned.  Storm water retention pond was discussed, with the Town Engineer requesting drainage be directed to Wayneport Road. 


Architect Daniel Mossien then explained the floor plan & building elevations.  The building will be brick with stone cornerstones, black roof with 6:12 pitch, and may or may not have a basement.  Signs would include a building mounted sign on the south side, a pylon sign at Route 31 and additional signs at the entrances to Wayneport Road and Wal-Mart.  Outside mechanicals will be on the ground and screened by landscaping.           There will be two (2) drive-thru lanes and one (1) ATM lane.  Dumpster will be in a brick enclosure with iron gates & surrounded by landscaping.  Lighting will have a “residential” look.  The landscaped berm along Wal-Mart will be continued through the bank property; however, berm height will be reduced.  Site grading plan has not been finalized.  Town Engineer’s comment letter of 2-7-07 was reviewed.  Board members requested more detail regarding the building’s exterior, including a change in the southern facade.  Mr. Mossien will provide the Town Engineer with new elevations.


A motion was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Morrison, to grant sketch plan approval subject to Board comments and Town Engineer’s letter of 2-7-07.  All in favor; motion carried.


PB-02-07 – DeHollander – Chester Wood Phase 2 – Pannell Road – Scott DeHollander was present to explain his application.  Three lots along Pannell Road were previously approved in Phase 1, and Phase 2 has sketch plan approval for six (6) lots on a town dedicated road.  Mr. DeHollander now proposes to change Phase 2 to three (3) larger lots on a private road.  Any further subdivision would not be part of his project, but would be the responsibility of any future property owner(s).  Private road would be gravel (12” crusher with finer top layer) with shared maintenance.  The first 150 ft. would be paved to accommodate the owner of Lot 1, whose driveway would also access the road.  Drainage would be constructed to original plan, and water/fire service would be extended along private roadway with WCWSA taking dedication.  Each of the three new lots would have frontage on Pannell Road (#6 – 30 ft., #7 – 15 ft., #9 – 15 ft.) with deeded cross-access agreements.  Board then discussed private road vs. town-dedicated road.  Members were concerned that the owners of Lot #1 understand the ramifications of a private road.  Scott Allen also pointed out that any future subdivision would require an upgrade to a town dedicated road, which could be a large expense for the owners.  As presented, the road design will need a hammerhead to facilitate emergency vehicles.  Board asked that Mr. DeHollander invite the owners of Lot #1 to the next Board meeting on 2-26-07 or have them write a letter to the Board with their understanding and acceptance of the road agreement.  Action was then tabled; applicant will return at the next meeting on 2-26-07.


It was also noted the Planning Board and the Town Board should look into the Code requirements for construction of a town dedicated road.





Motion was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Mert Bartels, to approve the 1-22-07 minutes.





Motion to adjourn was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Morrison.  Meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m.



Respectfully submitted,



Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board