April 10, 2006



PRESENT:  Chairman Doug Allen, members Suzanne Airy, Mert Bartels, Brian Gagne, Mark McEwen, Tom Morrison and Kevin Rooney.  Also present were Councilman Ken Nawrocki and Town Engineer Scott Allen.


Chairman Allen called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.  Motion made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Kevin Rooney, to waive reading the legal notice as it appeared in the Times.  All in favor; motion carried.




PB-02-06 – Gananda Partnership – Hance Road – Pheasant Run Phase 2 – Realty subdivision & residential site plans – 29 lots (Peacock Circle) – Present on behalf of the applicant were Matt Wing, Parrone Engineering, and Rich Struzzi, Gananda Partnership.  This is a 12.9 acre parcel to be developed into 29 single-family homes with a dedicated roadway and utilities (storm water, sanitary sewers & water).  There will be no changes in development of these lots from those in Phase 1; the same amenities will be provided.  Applicant is requesting preliminary/final approval for Phase 2.


A Hance Road resident raised concerns regarding drainage (coming from Evergreen Hills), deterioration of riprap at entrance to retention pond (water entering pond too swiftly), second access to Pheasant Run from Gananda Parkway (amount of traffic through one access point) and the $35,000 “rebate” for purchase of homes in Section 2.


Another Hance Road resident expressed concerns over an existing, overgrown drainage ditch between Hance Road houses and Phase 2.  Ditch needs to be functional and well maintained. 


There was no one else to speak for or against this application.  Motion to close the public hearing made by Brian Gagne, seconded by Mert Bartels.  All in favor; motion carried.




PB-02-06 – Gananda Partnership – Hance Road – Pheasant Run Phase 2 – Realty subdivision & residential site plans – 29 lots (Peacock Circle) – Phase 2 will be the southeast section of Pheasant Run, including the previously installed retention pond.  Board members were concerned about the distance between the homes on Lots 60, 61 & 62 and the retention pond.  Matt Wing explained that approximately 5.5 acres of the Pheasant Run development are in the Town of Walworth, and drainage for that area will be handled in Walworth, not sent to the existing retention pond.  This would allow reduction of the retention pond, moving it farther away from the houses on Lots 60, 61 & 62.  By reshaping Lot 63 & Lots 82 & 83 in a future phase and/or changing the setbacks, Peacock Circle could be moved north, allowing additional space for Lots 60, 61 & 62.


Chairman Allen asked for an explanation of the $35,000 grants being advertised for homes in this phase.  Allynn Smith of Bishop Sheen Housing, which will provide the funds, explained these as deferred loans used for down payments and closing costs to qualified buyers ($50,000 annual income for family of four).  Homes must be the recipients’ primary residence for 10 years, at which time the loan becomes a gift to the family.  If recipients sell the home in less than 10 years, the loan becomes due.  Mr. Struzzi explained the houses will be the same models currently being built in Phase 1, and will meet Town Code requirements for size, landscaping, etc.


Regarding a second road access, Mr. Struzzi stated that as part of original concept approval, a road cut was planned onto Gananda Parkway.  This would occur during the final north phase of development (approx.. 80 lots in Walworth & 15 lots in Macedon).


Drainage from Evergreen Hills along Hance Road was discussed.  Stormwater currently goes south along Hance Road, turns between Lots 45 & 46, then continues south via swale to the retention pond.  As part of Phase 2, drainage will be piped, which should alleviate problems experienced by adjoining Hance Road properties.


Mr. Struzzi requested preliminary/final approval be granted subject to any conditions and/or changes required by the Board.  Stephanie Benson of Edgemere Development explained the funding application deadline Gananda Partnership must meet.


A majority of the Board members felt approval could be granted with specific conditions attached (members Gagne, Morrison, Rooney, Allen).


Motion made by Brian Gagne, seconded by Mert Bartels, to grant preliminary & final subdivision/site plan approval for 29 residential lots, Pheasant Run Phase 2, subject to Town Engineer’s comments and the following non-negotiable conditions:  (1) Move Peacock Circle north a minimum of 25 ft. and increase rear yards of Lots 60, 61 & 62 by at least 40 ft.; (2) Additional catch basin on east side of berm (Lots 45 & 46); (3) Regrade swale on east side of berm, seed and divert water into retention pond (between Lots 59 & 60); (4) Repair undermining at pond entrance; (5) Sidewalks, lighting, street trees, downspout tie-ins, etc., to be shown on plans; (6) Town Engineer’s letter to be submitted to Parrone Engineering; (7) Amend number of street trees on Lots 44-47 (Hance Road).  Additionally, it was noted that plan revisions are to be submitted for review at the next meeting (4-24-06), or approval will be withdrawn.


Roll Vote:  Airy – yes; Bartels – yes; Gagne – yes; McEwen – yes; Morrison – yes; Rooney – yes; Allen – yes.





Motion to approve the 02-27-06 minutes made by Brian Gagne, seconded by Mark McEwen.  All in favor; minutes approved.


Motion to approve the 03-27-06 minutes made by Mark McEwen, seconded by Suzanne Airy.  All in favor; minutes approved.





Motion to adjourn made by Brian Gagne, seconded by Mert Bartels.  All in favor; meeting adjourned at 9:11 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board