July 14, 2003


MEMBERS PRESENT: Mert Bartels, Tom Ferreri, Mark McEwen, Tom Morrison and Kevin Rooney. Also present were Town Engineer Scott Allen and Town Councilman Ken Nawrocki. Absent were Chairman Doug Allen and member Brian Gagne.

Vice Chairman Bartels called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Motion made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Kevin Rooney, to waive the reading of the Public Notice as it appeared in the Times. All in favor; motion carried.



PB-09-03 – Liebert – Wiedrick Road – One lot subdivision & site plan – Motion to open the public hearing made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Kevin Rooney. All in favor; motion carried. Applicant Todd Liebert was present to explain his proposal. No one else was present to speak for or against this application. Motion to close the public hearing made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Ferreri. All in favor; motion carried.


PB-09-03 – Liebert – Wiedrick Road – One lot subdivision & site plan – Preliminary & final - Town Engineer Scott Allen indicated this site must be two (2) acres to the right-of-way to allow for the type of septic system proposed. Motion made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Mark McEwen, to grant approval contingent upon engineering comments. All in favor; motion carried.


Motion made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mark McEwen, to approve the 6-23-03 minutes. All in favor; minutes approved.


Motion made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Kevin Rooney, to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,



Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board