PLANNING BOARD MINUTES                                                                                       July 22, 2002



MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman, Doug Allen, Tom Ferreri, Howard Jordan, Tom Morrison, Brian Gagne and Kevin Rooney.  Also present were Scott Allen, Town Engineer, Ken Nawrocki, Town Councilman.  Absent was Mert Bartels.


Chairman Doug Allen called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m.


Motion to waive the reading of the public hearing notice posted in the Wayne Times made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Morrison.  All in favor – motion carries.




PB-21-02 Gananda Partnership / Pheasant Run Phase 1 / Hance Road

Motion to open the public hearing made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Kevin Rooney.  All in favor.


Mark Ward from Gananda Partnership and Bob Bringley from Parrone Engineering were present to address the Board.  Bob Bringley stated they were present requesting reapproval of Phase 1 of Pheasant Run subdivision.  Time conditions from the September 2001 approval were not met because the DEC permit was not in hand.  Bob Bringley stated that the DEC issued their permit earlier today.


Resident Carl Eligh – 3245 Hance Road, stated there were multiple issues not yet addressed by the Developer.  Street lights are not installed at Hance / Evergreen, Hance / Parkway.  The right-of-way to Evergreen Hills is not finished, and trucks were working on this last Sunday.  Grass seeding was poorly done in the Barn foundation area.  Berms and swales should be done correctly the first time, and in a timely manner.  Pheasant Run house lots backing up to existing residents on Hance Road should be of a 1 to 1 lot width.  Carl then asked the board to table any decision until all parties, including the Town, Hance Road residents and DEC, have to opportunity sit down and work out the issues.  Carl thanked Home Properties for their willingness to provide the 6” underdrain extension and 4” tie in stubs for the neighbors.


Resident Pat Carpenter – 3137 Hance Road, questioned the cleaning of the drainage creek to relieve existing problems.


Resident Lee Ward – 3111 Hance Road, stated there were existing drainage backup problems in the area, and wanted to know who will maintain the pond.


Resident Don Carpenter – 3137 Hance Road, echoed the drainage issues.


Resident Carl Eligh – 3245 Hance Road, stated that all construction traffic should be directed from the Gananda Parkway opposite the Wood Hill entrance location, rather than from Hance Road.  He also questioned construction hours of operation, and that the berms and swales need to be in place first.


Resident Barry Gregoire – 3026 Hance Road, pointed out that the drainage issues were also on the east side of Hance Road, as a result of the Gananda Developments.


Resident Pat Carpenter – 3137 Hance Road, asked about the status of rezoning requests in the area by Gananda Partnership, and whether the future rezoning would be beyond the tree line.  Pat was told there are no rezoning applications pending at this time, and none anticipated.


Motion to close the public hearing was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Tom Morrison.  All in favor.


Bob Bringley stated that the Applicant has no control over the Sohns, Robinson and Scott parcels, and therefore could not agree to any condition relative to Gananda Partnership being responsible for obtaining drainage easements.


Kevin Rooney made multiple references to discrepancies and questionable areas on the design plans.  Specifically mentioned was that the overall cover plan doesn’t match the detailed lot layout plans.  Kevin stated that an as-built plan should be required of the pond, to determine how it would effect the adjacent lot layouts.  Kevin stated he was uncomfortable with the plans given the discrepancies.


Mark Ward stated that Gananda Partnership has no application in the Town of Walworth for the portion of  Pheasant Run in Walworth, and has no plans for that land at this time.


Doug Allen questioned what the problem with the turn around areas was, and if Dick Roets had reviewed and signed off.  The turn around areas are actually in the Town of Walworth.


The Board discussed obtaining drainage easements.  Parrone is willing to prepare the necessary maps and descriptions, the Town will provide their standard easement language.


Doug Allen stated that the Developer knew about and should have been addressing the drainage problem months ago.


Ken Nawrocki stated that the basic discussion is about timelines and the lack of compliance.


Resident Carl Eligh stated that Home Properties was reminded by Town Officials at the Town PRC meeting in January that none of the September 2001 conditions had been met.


Kevin Rooney stated that he was very firm in wanting easements in place and resolution to the drainage issues, or another plan implemented which solves the drainage problem from Evergreen.


Tom Ferreri stated he is not in favor of placing any conditions on approvals – that all outstanding issues should be addressed prior to issuing approval.  Tom also stated he is not happy with this Developer’s record in Town.


Mark Ward indicated he was not willing to discuss this application further.


Tom Ferreri made a motion to table the application, pending review by the Town Attorney, and proper  documentation being in place for required easements, seconded by Kevin Rooney.  Vote 5 in favor (Allen, Rooney, Jordan, Ferreri, Morrison) 1 opposed (Gagne) – motion carries.




PB-22-02 Greg Matzan / NW Corner Leno and Alderman Road / 2-Lot Site Plan and Subdivision

Consideration of sketch approval on 8/12/02.


PB-23-02 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sanson / NE Corner Wilson and Wilkinson Road / 1-Lot Site Plan

Consideration of sketch approval on 8/12/02.  Also will be a referral from ZBA.


PB-24-02 Robert Dentico & Peggy Richter / Walworth Road / 1 Lot Site Plan and Subdivision

Consideration of sketch approval on 8/12/02.



Scott Allen brought forth the issue of replacing mobile homes on existing lots outside mobile home parks.  The Board’s opinion was that if the mobile home was of a similar size, and was installed per current Codes, you could replace an existing mobile home outside of a mobile home park with a newer unit.



Motion to adjourn made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Ferreri.  Meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Scott Allen, CEO