PLANNING BOARD MINUTES                                                                                       July 8, 2002



MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman, Doug Allen, Tom Ferreri, Howard Jordan and Kevin Rooney.  Also present were Scott Allen, Town Engineer, Ken Nawrocki, Town Councilman.  Absent were Tom Morrison, Mert Bartels and Brian Gagne.


Chairman Doug Allen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Motion to waive the reading of the public hearing notice posted in the Wayne Times made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Kevin Rooney.  All in favor – motion carries.




PB-12-02  Frank Dimino, Inc. / 921 Route 31(Henning Parcel) / Site Plan Review

Application requested to be withdrawn by Jim Daigler representing Frank Dimino via a telephone call to Scott Allen on 7/8/02.


PB-18-02 Brian Moon / 3158 Route 350 / 2-Lot Realty Subdivision

Motion to open public hearing made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Howard Jordan.  All in favor.  Brian Moon and Bob Seeley, surveyor, present to support application.  No one else present to speak in favor or against.  Motion to close public hearing made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Howard Jordan.  All in favor – motion carries.


PB-19-02 Donald Forsay (Joanne Honan) / West Walworth Road / 4 Lot Realty Subdivision

Motion to open public hearing made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Kevin Rooney.  Jim Mueller from Om Popli was present to represent the Applicant.  Jim stated that the intent of the project is to take 61 acres of land on the east side of West Walworth Road, and subdivide into four lots.  Lot 1 and 2 would have direct driveway access onto West Walworth Road.  Lots 3 and 4 will have shared access via a private driveway.  At this time the application is for realty subdivision only – specific site plan lot layouts will be submitted by individuals purchasing lots, and each lot is subject to site plan review and approval.  As of now, lots 1, 3 and 4 have purchase offers.


Resident Nick Magliocco, 2956 West Walworth Road, asked for clarification on where Lot 2 was located.  He was shown the location on the map.


Brian and Cheryl Spinosa, anticipated purchasers of Lot 4, stated they would only like to share the driveway with Lot 3.  They are proposing to have a commercial horse stable operation, and would prefer to keep their own traffic on their own driveway.


Rebecca Cotter, anticipated purchaser of Lot 1, stated she would prefer to have her own driveway also.


No one else was present to speak in favor or against the proposal.  Motion to close the public hearing was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Ferreri.  All in favor – motion carries.




PB-18-02 Brian Moon / 3158 Route 350 / 2-Lot Realty Subdivision

Bob Seeley from Donald Schwartz Land Surveying, was present with Brian Moon, to address the board.  This application involves a realty subdivision of 22.39 acres of land.  Lot 1 as depicted on the map will be 11.834 acres, and will be purchased by David Hyland, an adjacent land owner.  Lot 2 with the remaining acreage, will be retained by Moon.  A 30-foot strip to Eddy Road provides access to the east side of Lot 1.  The land is zoned AR-40, and this application complies with zoning requirements for lot size.  The application is strictly a realty subdivision, no site development is proposed.  There is a wetland area behind Hyland’s house.  The driveway onto Eddy Road is existing.


Doug Allen questioned which direction water flows from the site.  Bob Seeley responded that some flows south towards Eddy Road, and some flows northerly.  There is a drainage divide within the parcel.  Scott Allen stated the 30 foot road access is adequate to install a future driveway and underground utilities.  No other concerns were noted.


This action is an Unlisted Action, per SEQRA.  A short EAF form was submitted by the Applicant, and completed by the Town Engineer, indicating no adverse impacts on the environment as a result of this realty subdivision.  Motion to grant a negative declaration was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Howard Jordan.  All in favor – motion carries.


Motion to grant final approval of the 2-Lot realty subdivision was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Kevin Rooney.  All in favor – motion carries.


PB-19-02 Donald Forsay (Joanne Honan) / West Walworth Road / 4 Lot Realty Subdivision

Jim Mueller from Om Popli present to address the board.  This is a 4-Lot subdivision as described in the public hearing.  No site development is being approved at this time.  Doug Allen stated that this area of West Walworth Road has very good sight distance.  Doug stated ideally that one driveway would be preferred, however the plan as depicted is acceptable.  There were no other concerns noted.


This action is an Unlisted Action, per SEQRA.  A short EAF form was submitted by the Applicant, and completed by the Town Engineer, indicating no adverse impacts on the environment as a result of this realty subdivision.  Motion to grant a negative declaration was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Ferreri.  All in favor – motion carries.


Motion to grant final approval of the 4-Lot realty subdivision was made by Howard Jordan subject to all easements and adjacent owner information being shown on the map, seconded by Kevin Rooney.  All in favor – motion carries.


PB-20-02 Cheryl & Brian Spinosa / West Walworth Road – Lot 4 Forsay Sub. / Site Plan & Commercial Horse Operation

This application is for sketch plan approval for a single family dwelling and commercial horse stable operation on Lot 4 of the Forsay (Honan) subdivision, just approved by the Planning Board.


Jim Mueller from Om Popli and Brian Spinosa addressed the board stating that he is purchasing the back 48 acres (Lot 4), and intends to construct a single family house and have a commercial horse boarding and riding stable.  The barn will be 200 feet from the nearest property line.


Kevin Rooney questioned what kind of riding shows would be held.  Brian Spinosa stated that quarter horses and thoroughbreds would be shown.


Tom Ferreri questioned how manure disposal would be handled.  Brian Spinosa stated that it will be spread onsite.  Approximately half the acreage is open area, which could be used for spreading, and the other half of the acreage is wooded.  They would like to have riding trails in the woods.


Tom Ferreri questioned if there are drainage issues on the parcel.  Jim Mueller stated that topographic mapping will be prepared to show the overall parcel drainage.  Tom Ferreri stated his concern was surface drainage carrying the spread manure offsite.


Ken Nawrocki stated that the drainage from this parcel flows east towards Hance Road.


Brian Spinosa stated that all activities on the site would finish no later than 9 pm.


No further discussion was made by the board.  Motion to grant sketch plan approval was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Howard Jordan.  All in favor – motion carries.





PB-12-02  Frank Dimino, Inc. / 921 Route 31(Henning Parcel) / Site Plan Review

Application requested to be withdrawn by Jim Daigler representing Frank Dimino via a telephone call to Scott Allen on 7/8/02.


PB-21-02 Gananda Partnership / Pheasant Run Phase 1 / Hance Road

The Board discussed approval conditions for current application, relative to the format of the previous September 2001 approval.


Prior to starting grading work the following items were discussed.  Developer to design and implement drainage solution as agreed in Sept. 01 resolution in the southwest corner of the White Pine single family development, including obtaining necessary easements.  Topsoil and seeding needs to be completed on location of the barn foundation burial area on Hance Road.  DEC permit should be in hand, along with Corps of Engineers permits and/or letter of no jurisdiction.


Prior to house building permits the following items were discussed.  Construction sequencing to be installation of erosion control measures, construction and landscaping of berm and swales, including storm water management facility, installation of roadway and utility infrastructure including road binder.  Deed restrictions on all lots with berms or surface swales should be determined on a lot by lot basis.  Applicant to obtain snatch and drag permit from DEC to clear obstructions from storm water management facility to Hance Road, per Dick Roets.  Plans should show extension of 6” underdrain line north across lot 5 of Phase 1, with capped 4” tees to properties of Eligh, Wilson and Boyd.



Motion to adjourn made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Ferreri.  Meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,

Scott Allen, CEO




Minutes for this meeting are unapproved as a result of a lack of obtainable quorum of members present at meeting, resulting from the subsequent resignation of Howard Jordan from the Board.