PLANNING BOARD MINUTES                                                                                       June 24, 2002



MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman, Doug Allen, Mert Bartels, Tom Ferreri, Tom Morrison, Brian Gagne, Howard Jordan and Kevin Rooney.  Also present were Scott Allen, Town Engineer, Ken Nawrocki, Town Councilman and Anthony Villani, Town Attorney.


Chairman Doug Allen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.




Frank Dimino, Inc. / 921 Route 31(Henning Parcel) / Site Plan Review

In preparation of the scheduled public hearing at the July 8 meeting, the board reviewed the SEQRA information provided by the Applicant and Amy Haacker from Costich Engineering.  The proposal is to install a 600’ long dedicated access roadway from Route 31 into the subject parcel, located at 921 Route 31.  The SEQRA provided is a generic assessment of the overall project development considered under ORM zoning, and does not detail specifics of any individual developments, which may occur within the subject parcel.  Per the Applicant and Town’s discussion, future SEQRA review will be warranted on specific development projects within the site, at the time of site approvals.  Per conversations with Marc Migliore at NYSDEC, the current proposed project, involving the road construction, is a Type 1 action under SEQRA due to its relevance on the entire acreage of the parcel.  A long form EAF with engineering report attachments has been submitted by the Applicant, along with a written evaluation of the impacts.  On May 21, 2002 the Town mailed lead agency notices to involved agencies notifying intent of the Planning Board to act as lead agent on the project.  There were no responses challenging the Planning Board as lead agent.  The Planning Board will be responsible for completing Parts 2 and 3 of the SEQRA.


The Board again reviewed the desire to have street trees included in any letter of credit, with the trees to be installed following any utility work.  Road shoulders and all disturbed areas to be top soiled and seeded.  Final approvals will need to be subject to NYSDEC review and permitting requirements, regarding the wetland crossing and adjacent area disturbance.  No further comments were made by the board at this time.


Gananda Partnership / Pheasant Run Phase 1 / Hance Road

Mark Ward representing Gananda Partnership and Matt Wing from Parrone Engineering were present to address the board.  Doug Allen asked the Applicant to describe the difference in the plans from previous discussions.  Mark Ward explained the plan was basically the same as considered last September.  The Board discussed the Applicant’s failure to comply with conditions set last September relative to a December 1st deadline, including pond and berm grading work, and installation of street lights at Hance and Evergreen / Hance and Gananda Parkway.  These items have not been completed to date.  Work completed to date includes: installation of light shields, installation of trees on Evergreen Drive and obtaining a letter of credit.  The Applicant indicated the DEC permit was forthcoming.  Scott Allen questioned when the DEC permit was applied for.  Matt Wing did not have the date in front of him.  Matt Wing discussed the detention pond.  The pond has been moved 40 feet south, to lessen impacts on the south end lots of Pheasant Run.  Two lots were removed at the request of the DEC, lowering the total lot number from 102 to 100.  The sanitary pump station will be located where the 2 lots were removed at the south end.  It was noted that no proposed lot lines are depicted on the pond design sheet, making it very difficult to determine how the new pond grading will effect the Pheasant Run lots.  The pond is 2 surface acres.  Matt Wing also indicated the DEC was unwilling to allow ditching from the pond outlet to Hance Road, as part of the DEC permit.


Mark Ward stated they are here for re-issuance of timelines set by the Planning Board last September.  Mark Ward questioned who is responsible for the easements relative to correcting drainage issue at Robinson and Nawrocki property.  It was discussed that easements would likely be required from the Sohns and Scott Families on White Pine, as well as an easement across a 60’ piece of land owned by Gananda Partnership.


Tony Villani questioned what the Applicant was asking the Planning Board to do.  Extend previous deadline dates vs. considering a new application.  Normally, an Applicant must ask to extend deadlines before that deadline expires, not months after the fact.  Procedurally, a new application requiring a Public Hearing should be submitted.  Submission deadlines for upcoming meetings were discussed.


Ken Nawrocki stated that last July he was told by Paul Schriener from Parrone that the drainage problem at his driveway would be fixed.  At that time, Ken was willing to grant an easement to allow installation of a pipe to direct the runoff to Hance Road.  Ken stated since no action or progress has been made by Gananda Partnership in a year, he was not willing to grant an easement anymore, and wants Gananda Partnership to rectify the situation on their own land.


Mark Ward stated he will confer with Gananda Partnership, and get back to the Town.


Resident Carl Eligh, 3245 Hance Road, stated the old barn foundation has been buried and graded over, however additional fine grading and seeding still needed to be completed by Gananda on that site.


Mark Ward stated he was unhappy with a vacant home near their model home at the corner of Hance Road and the Gananda Parkway in Walworth, where the lawn is not being maintained.


There was no further discussion on this application.





PB-18-02 Brian Moon / 3158 Route 350 / 2-Lot Realty Subdivision

Final approval consideration at July 8 meeting.


PB-19-02 Donald Forsay (Joanne Honan) / West Walworth Road / 4-Lot Realty Subdivision

Final approval consideration at July 8 meeting.


PB-20-02 Cheryl & Brian Spinosa / West Walworth Road – Lot 4 Forsay Sub. / Site Plan & Commercial Horse Operation

Sketch Plan consideration at July 8 meeting.




Motion to adjourn made by Brian Gagne, seconded by Tom Morrison.  Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,

Scott Allen, CEO