PLANNING BOARD MINUTES                                                                                       June 10, 2002



MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman, Doug Allen, Mert Bartels, Tom Ferreri, Tom Morrison.  Also present were Scott Allen, Town Engineer and Ken Nawrocki, Town Councilman.  Absent were Brian Gagne and Kevin Rooney.


Chairman Doug Allen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


A motion to waive the reading of the Legal Notice as it appeared in the Times was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mert Bartels.  All in favor, motion carried.




Frey / Pannell Road / Realty Subdivision - Final

Motion made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mert Bartels, to open this public hearing.  All in favor.  No one present to speak for or against this application.  A motion was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mert Bartels, to close this public hearing.  All in favor, motion carried.


Bills / 2581 West Walworth Road / Realty Subdivision - Final

Motion made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mert Bartels, to open this public hearing.  All in favor.  No one present to speak for or against this application.  A motion was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mert Bartels, to close this public hearing.  All in favor, motion carried.


Santovito / 1004 Alderman Road / Home Occ.

Motion made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mert Bartels, to open this public hearing.  All in favor.  Mr. and Mrs. Santovito present to speak in favor.  There was no one else present to speak for or against this application.  Motion made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mert Bartels, to close this public hearing.  All in favor, motion carried.




Frey / Pannell Road / Realty Subdivision - Final

This is a straightforward realty subdivision application.  The Board had no concerns.  Short SEQR indicates no negative impact to the environment.  Motion for negative SEQR declaration made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Tom Ferreri.  All in favor.  Motion made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Howard Jordan, for final approval.  All in favor.


Bills / 2581 West Walworth Road / Realty Subdivision - Final

This is a straightforward realty subdivision application.  The Board had no concerns.  Short SEQR indicates no negative impact to the environment.  Motion for negative SEQR declaration made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Tom Ferreri.  All in favor.  Motion made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Tom Ferreri, for final approval.  All in favor - motion carried.


Santovito / 1004 Alderman Road / Home Occ.

This is a home occupation.  Ms. Santivito will sell crafts on a very limited basis.  Tom Ferreri questioned traffic generation by this applicant.  Ms. Santivito indicated a maximum of 10 to 12 patrons per day.  Howard Jordan was concerned with driveway access onto Magog Road and poor sight distance.  Mr. Santivito indicated this is a pre-existing driveway, which he doesn’t use, and is willing to chain off.  Tom Ferreri questioned proposed signage.  Signage will meet what is allowed by code.  Tom Ferreri questioned winter hours, dark early and hard to see.  Applicant will have driveway post lamps.  Tom Ferreri questioned items being sold, if they were only antiques and gifts.  Mr. Santivito indicated this is a very limited operation, seasonal, traditional, holiday gifts.  Motion to approve home occupation by Tom Ferreri subject to driveway onto Magog Road not being used and signage meeting Town Code.  Second by Mert Bartels.  All in favor – motion carried.


Aurora Development / East Avenue / SEQR Review and Preliminary/Final Approval

Jason Monroe from Lu Engineers was present representing applicant.  Jason provided building elevations for review.  Building to be beige earth tone color.  Doug Allen questioned proposed lighting.  Lights to be new style building mounted lights with recessed lamps, and no bulb glare.  Also will have residential post lamp at caretaker’s entrance.  Scott Allen indicated that any substantial future development in this area will require relocation of East Avenue to remove the 90 degree bends in the road.  No further discussion.  Motion to issue a Negative Declaration on the SEQR provided made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Tom Morrison.  All in favor – motion carried.  Motion to grant preliminary and final approvals, subject to items discussed and appropriate plan signatures by Mert Bartels, seconded by Howard Jordan.  Vote 4 in favor (Allen, Bartels, Morrison, Jordan) – 1 opposed (Ferreri) – motion carried.


Frank Dimino, Inc. / 921 Route 31(Henning Parcel) / Site Plan Review / Sketch

Jim Daigler representing Frank Dimino was present to address the board.  The proposal is to install a 600’ long dedicated access roadway from Route 31 into the subject parcel, located at 921 Route 31.  This will improve the marketability of the 238 acre overall parcel.  The DOT has reviewed the traffic study, which has trigger thresholds for future roadway improvements required during the build out of the parcel.  SRF (Steve Ferranti) prepared the traffic study.  The SEQR analysis is an overall general assessment of the parcel, as developed with ORM zoning.  The Zoning Board of Appeals has denied a variance for the proposed setback from the new road to the existing barn (less than 75’).  The application now shows the road right-of-way 75’ from the existing barn.  The DEC has indicated that they want a conservation easement on the parcel’s wetlands.  A future wetland crossing will be required to access the 25 acres located at the northwest corner of the parcel.  Tom Ferreri questioned the future plans for this parcel – will it be sold and developed as ORM, or will a rezone be asked for later?  Per Jim Daigler – parcel to be developed as ORM at this time.  Scott Allen indicated that street trees will be required on the new roadway – although the applicant could add the trees to the letter of credit, and install the trees after all utilities are finished.  Motion to grant sketch plan approval made by Tom Morrison, per the provided site plan, seconded by Howard Jordan.  All in favor – motion carried.




Susan Murray / 2384 Route 350 (Meadowview MHP) / Area Variance – 135-162-A

This is variance to allow Meadowview MHP to sell excess land.  Susan Murray, park owner, and Randy Wolfanger – MRB present to address board.  The Planning Board was not opposed to the subdividing of the land, subject to percolation testing being performed and a map provided to prove that adequate land was remaining with the park to provide for 100% replacement of the septic system.


Richard Chiarenza / 543 Macedon Center Road (Arrowhead MHP) / Area Variance – 135-162-A

Same variance as Susan Murray.  Planning Board has same comments as Murray proposal for this application.  Needs proof that adequate land exists for 100% replacement of septic system.


Gerald McQuarrie / 626 Route 31 / Area Variance – 135-162-B

This is an addition to an existing home.  Planning Board had no concerns with this application.


Kenneth Vowell / 1918 Daansen Road / Area Variance – 135-162-B, 135-61-A

This proposal is a garage addition to a non-conforming structure, which exceeds 800 square feet.  The Planning Board had no concerns with this application.



Motion made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Tom Morrison, to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2002 meeting.  All in favor - motion carried.



Motion to adjourn made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Tom Morrison.  Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Scott Allen, CEO