PLANNING BOARD MINUTES      January 14, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT included: Mert Bartels, Tom Morrison, Tom Ferreri and Brian Gagne.  Also present was CEO, Scott Allen.  Absent were Chairman, Doug Allen, member Howard Jordan and Town Councilman Ken Nawrocki.

Chairman, Mert Bartels, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Bradford Burnham - "Burnham's on the Green" / 1148 South Wayneport Rd / Commercial Sign
Scott Allen explained that Bradford Burnham is leasing the restaurant from Marvin's Country Club and would like to have a sign located in the front lawn centered between the two driveways.  Due to the multi purpose of the building, the planning board would need to approve this sign.  Tom Ferreri questioned the lighting of the sign.  Scott stated that it was not indicated at this time.  A motion to approve this application for a sign was made by Brian Gagne, seconded by Tom Morrison, all in favor.


Gary Rogers / 2408 Creek Rd / Realty Subdivision
Scott Allen explained that Gary Rogers is buying half this parcel from Mr. Beckenbach.  He noted that this land is not part of the salvage overlay that Mr. Beckenbach has.  The land is to be merged with Gary's existing parcel and he will build a pole barn.  By buying this additional land the pole barn will meet all setback requirements.  A public hearing will be held in February on this application.


Gananda Ministry Center - Art Parts Signs / 3259 Canandaigua Rd / Area Variance - Section 135-190-B and 135-190-G / Request to add a second ground sign that is approximately 20 square foot in size
This application has already received approval at the Zoning Board of Appeals due to the timing of the meetings.  Planning Board had no comment concerning this application.

James and Elaine Hartnagle / Route 31 / Area Variance - Section 135-85 Schedule 1 / Request to build a mini storage building with a 73' front setback
This application has already received approval at the Zoning Board of Appeals due to the timing of the meetings.  Planning Board reviewed this application for future involvement.


Laura DePra and Craig Zufelt / Wilson Rd / 1 Lot Subdivision and Site Plan
Laura DePra and Craig Zufelt were present to address the board.  Craig explained that they are purchasing the North 16 acres of this parcel and are proposing to build a single-family residence.  The driveway is 15' wide and sight distance looks adequate.  Craig stated that they would like to start on the driveway while continuing the approval process.  It was explained that in order to start the driveway the Army Corps would need to provide a letter due to the federal wetlands that the driveway will pass through.  Craig stated that Dave Matthews has already been in contact with them.  It was also noted that calculation for the culvert sizing would need to be presented and approval for the location would need to be obtained from the Highway Superintendent prior to starting the driveway.  It was noted that the land has a 40' elevation change and the driveway could not exceed a slope of 12%.  It was also recommended that a pull over location be added to the driveway approximately half way so that two vehicles would be able to pass each other if needed.  Craig stated that the driveway was to be gravel to start with and would possibly be paved in the future.  A motion to grant sketch plan approval contingent on issues discussed was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Tom Ferreri, all in favor.

Mike Young / 3051 Daansen Rd / 1 Lot Site Plan
Scott Allen explained to the board that Mike Young has been operating a mining operation at this location, however, his permit has not yet been renewed for this year.  Scott explained that Mike has a pile of wood chip mulch that is not allowed by town code.  Scott stated that he has a meeting with Mike on sight tomorrow to discuss this.  Scott also explained that the town received a full-page letter of concerns from a neighbor of this mine.  The barn and driveway are existing and the plan presented meets sketch plan requirements.  A motion to grant sketch plan approval contingent on the resolution of the outstanding violations was made by Brian Gagne, seconded by Tom Ferreri, all in favor.


Planning Board Member Interviews
Mert stated that the interview process for the planning board seat would be a little different this time due to time constraints.  The town board is asking three members of the planning board to join two members of the town board in conducting the interviews and making a recommendation to the town boar for appointment.  Mert Bartels, Brian Gagne and Tom Morrison all committed to participating in this process.

Redden - Prostka - Saulpaugh / Realty Subdivision
Scott explained that this application would be in for Public Hearing in February.  He stated that after discussion with Mr. Saulpaugh that the plan presented is the way they want the subdivision done.  Scott explained that he asked the applicants if they would be willing to review the plan to make the proposed lots to be owned by Saulpaugh to be continuos.  The planning board will require a note to be put on lot 4 stated that this not an approved building lot.

The minutes dated December 10, 2001 cannot be reviewed until Howard Jordan is back in May.


Minutes by Jennifer Habecker