MEMBERS PRESENT included: Chairman, Scott Allen, Doug Allen, Tom Ferreri, Mert Bartels, Howard Jordan, MRB Agent Mike Simon and CEO Mario Fioravanti.  Absent were Members Tom Morrison and Brian Gagne; also absent was Town Councilman Bill Hammond.

Chairman, Scott Allen, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Calabrese / Wayneport Rd South / Rezoning Application / Town Board Referral
Present to address the board was Rod Prosser of Lakeside Engineering, Donn Calabrese and Peter Nolan.  Rod began discussion by stating that this application was referred to the Planning Board from the Town Board and they were seeking a recommendation.  Scott Allen took a minute to review the rezoning process in the regulations and stated that the Planning Board had 60 days to make a recommendation and during that period a public hearing would be held at the Planning Board level.  A second public hearing would be held at the Town Board level as well.  Public Hearing was scheduled for the next meeting, August 13, 2001.
Rod continued by reviewing the application for the board, stating that with this project they plan to bring sanitary sewers to this property involving a cost of approximately $500,000.  Rod stated that wetland areas, shown roughly on the map encumbered part of the parcel.  The areas shown are taken from the Federal Wetlands Maps and the State DEC maps. Rod stated that none of these areas have been flagged yet and may change some of the layout once definite lines are determined.   Scott Allen stated that for the rezoning application what is shown is satisfactory.
Rod stated that the front 250' strip from the road is currently zoned R-30 and the rest of the parcel is zoned AR-40.  Rod stated that this application proposes rezoning the property to R-22 but they would like to leave the front area lots at the R-30 size.  Rod stated that easements would need to be obtained from the neighboring landowners to continue the sanitary sewer to this location.  In the mean time the application proposes that the front R-30 lots be built with septic systems and dry sewer for later hook-up.  This would be Phase I.
Rod continued by stated that they show a looped road system and all setback requirements would be met.  The current plan shows 186 lots based on the sewer service.
Scott Allen asked why the applicant is naming this project "Fairport Harbor"?  Rod stated that it was due to a lack of a better name, this would be changed.
The board asked how many landowners the applicant would need to obtain easements from.  This was unclear at this point and Rod is going to look into this further for future discussion.  The board suggested that Rod contact those landowners as soon as possible to see if there is general agreement for the easements.  The board also explained that there is another rezoning application going before the town board on Thursday, July 26, 2001 for referral to the planning board.  This application would be a neighboring property to this application and they would be going through this process basically simultaneously.  Donn Calabrese addressed the board by stating that he thought only Danny Leonard and Mr. Fabio would be the property owners easements would be needed from.  Rod stated that if easements were not feasible, a pump station would be installed.  Scott Allen also suggested that Rod contact John Gravino of the village about what pump station would be used.  Both rezoning applicants would share any issues with the pump station.  Scott Allen also explained that if sewers were going to be extended to this area the Town would review reasonable areas that it could be extended to.  Scott explained that the adjacent residence would receive some benefit from this development.  This would be looked at more once topography of the area is shown.  Rod stated that he would contact John Gravino.
Scott Allen also stated that any requirements of emenities for one application would also apply to the other application to be fair.  Scott referenced that the town is currently having problems with other cluster developments in town and the town board would like to ensure that these issues would be addressed prior to approving the rezoning application.  This will be required for both the current applications and all future applications for cluster developments.  Scott referred Rod to the R-22 section of the codebook, listing the items for complete application.
Discussion continued on the front lots due to where the zoning change occurs currently from R-30 to AR-40.  The change in zoning currently occurs 250' from the road, however, the application shows R-30 lots all the way to the creek.  The planning board stated that lots behind the R-30 zoning line would need to be AR-40 in size.  Rod stated that the applicant is asking this area to be rezoned to R-22 but they would like to leave these lots larger to accommodate a septic system until sewer is available.  The planning board asked if the applicant would really want to incure this expense if sewer would be available in relatively short period of time.  Rod stated that they would review this for the next meeting and address this issue.
Mike Simon noted that the length requirement on cul-de-sacs was 1000 feet.  Rod stated that this could be accommodated.  Mike also stated that the roadways should show some characteristics instead of being long straight a ways.  Rod stated that once topography is looked at this would be added.  Mike suggested just adding the quad map for some basic helpful topography information.  It was also noted that the cul-de-sacs would need to have green centers.  Scott Allen stated that other imenities that would be required would be lighting, sidewalks, street trees, drainage to one pond for town maintenance and others.  A list will be comprised for reference.
The board asked what price range the houses would be in.  Donn Calabrese stated that at this time they were unsure.  They did not plan on building themselves; they are looking for a builder to buy the lots by parcel, and it was not his priority to sell the entire project.
Scott stated that calculations for 100-year flood are required for detention due to the project size.  It was also recommended that this application and the adjoining rezoning application consider combining a traffic study.  Issues with traffic include the sight distance at Wilkinson and Wayneport Rd intersections.  For safety purposes a four way stop may need to be added here.  The applicant was told to work with Mike Simon on the traffic issues.


Rider Subdivision / 5 Lot Subdivision and Site Plan / Rider Lane and Turner Road / Road Dedication and Previous Approval Contingencies
No one was present to address the board concerning the recent information received for this subdivision.  Mario stated that from talking with the engineer the applicant would now like to make this a dedicated road.  Mario stated that he talked with Dick Roets about this and Dick is ok as long as the road construction meets town specifications.  Dick also stated that he would allow swales instead of gutters.  The planning board also stated that a turn around needed to be shown.  Mario stated that according to Dick a hammer head turn around would be needed.  The minutes from prior meetings were reviewed and approvals for this application were granted, however, the applicant was to install a dry well prior to any work and this has never been done.  According to the most recent correspondence from this applicant the dry well is to be installed in conjunction with the water line.  The planning board stated that approvals were given with contingencies but permits could not be issued until these contingencies were met.  The planning board also stated that for a dedicated road inspections would need to be done and specs for the road should be submitted to Dick Roets and Mike Simon for review.  There is no need for this applicant to return to the planning board.


A motion to approve the minutes dated June 11, 2001 with corrections was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Doug Allen, all in favor.


Minutes by Jennifer Habecker